Quick Email Marketing Refresher

Email marketing is important. I’ve talked about it on a number of occasions (Can email marketing help your business?Using Newsletters and Email lists for your Business Website, Content Updates).

Recently I read an article by Amanda Henson over at the Small Business Bonfire where she gave a great overview for Building an Effective Email Marketing Platform geared specifically toward new email marketing users.

The article links to a bunch of other articles and information to take each topic she covers into more depth but it is a great starting point for those who have no idea where to start and it works as a great refresher for more experienced email marketers or business owners. The biggest point that I took from the article personally was to find ways to use email that engages your customer in dialogue. We can’t just send a note out to our visitors, we need to try and get the reader to take some sort of action with every email that you send.

Do you have any other tips she didn’t cover? Let us know in the comments!


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