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Recent Articles

  • Small Business Kickstart Kit

    Small Business Kickstart Kit

    So you are here because either you have some interest in starting a business or you have a business and you want to create a website for it. I am a memeber of the Small Business Bonfire (join free here). I was recently made aware the Alyssa has created a “Small Business Kickstart Kit” and…

  • WordPress Shopping Cart Plugins

    I wanted to let you all know about something I’m working on that will hopefully be out next week.  I have had the opportunity over the years to use a handful of shopping cart plugins that integrate into WordPress.  Some have been integrated into themes and some have been standalone plugins. Now I’m not going…

  • I installed a new plugin, what do you think?

    I installed a new plugin, what do you think?

    I’ve just installed a new plugin called ThumbSniper.  What it does is it pops up a little box on certain links (you can set it to external, all, or even specific links) that shows a preview of the page you will be going to.  For instance if I put a link to bluehost when you…

  • Customizing your website menu

    One of the things that I want when I create a website is control. I hate being locked in and having to do something the way someone else thought it should be done. In recent revisions WordPress has allowed us to create custom menus and has exposed this ability to theme designers. Many new themes…

  • 24 Clean Business Templates for WordPress

    24 Clean Business Templates for WordPress

    One of the great benefits of WordPress is the plethora of great themes and templates on the Internet. You can download one of these themes and easily install it on your website and have a professional look without the cost of hiring a designer. I went through a whole bunch of designs from ThemeForest,,…

  • How to add an image to your website

    Images make a huge difference for a website.  Having an image on a page or a post helps to break up the text and provide visual appeal to the layout.  It is often hard to find an image that specifically relates to the information of the page or article that you are talking about.  In…

  • WordPress is downloaded a TON!

    Pekka over at recently put some information in front of me that shocked me.  In this post he confirmed my suspicion that WordPress really is the top CMS (Content Management System) out there.  In his article he pointed to the 2011 Open Source CMS Market Share Report where they made it clear that WordPress is the top.  According…

  • The First Plugin I Would Install On Your Website

    There is one plugin (ok there are a few) that I install on every WordPress website that I create.  I know I haven’t talked much about plugins but this one just saved me a ton of time today so I wanted to just give it a shout-out and point you in that direction in case…

  • How to setup a text widget in your sidebar on WordPress

    This post is actually pretty exciting.  I have a fun trick for those of you that aren’t programmers to help you more easily make your sidebar look the way you want it to look.  Today I am going to show you how to create a Text Widget on your sidebar. To get started log in…

  • What is a WordPress widget?

    What is a WordPress widget?

    What is a widget? Most WordPress themes today come with “widget” areas that allow you to add custom content into the theme without having to be a programmer.  Most of the time widgets are in the sidebar of the theme.  On this site you can see my “about me” widget, as well as a widget…

  • Installing a WordPress theme

    Installing a WordPress theme

    Well, now that you know how to create posts and pages you can get your content on your website. I hear you though, your website is so dull looking.  Well, let’s fix that.  In this post I”ll show you how to find and install a new theme to give your website the look you want.…

  • Does my business really need a blog?

    Does my business really need a blog?

    In Crush It!, Gary Vaynerchuk says, “Your website is for communicating logistics and facilitating sales, your blog is for communicating the essence of your brand.” What exactly does that mean? It means that there are two aspects to business, your products and services you sell, and the relationships you have with your customers and clients. The website…

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